Wide band O2 parts kits update

Keith Kiberd keith.kiberd at netzero.net
Tue Jan 29 00:06:01 GMT 2002

I actually wouldn't mind sending the money but I still have no idea how much
to pay since that information has not been released yet for Canadian buyers.
Method of payment is still pending for us also.
Quote "For orders outside the US, please give me some time to figure this
I have started collecting components locally to build mine but I will still
purchase the one I ordered from Steve when I here something.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org]On
Behalf Of Jim Yeagley
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 8:08 AM
To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
Subject: Fw: Wide band O2 parts kits update

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the latest posters complaining about long
waiting times never mentioned sending Steve the money.  Surely you wouldn't
expect him to send parts out without payment received?  My kits arrived
roughly 2 weeks after mailing a check.

I thought this would be a good time to dig into my saved mail, to see what
Steve actually said in his post to both lists, just before he started
shipping.  This really shouldn't excuse anyone from reading the archives
that are readily available, though.

I've been a lurker here for over 3 years.  I can tell you that new faces are
welcomed, and new faces with attitudes attached are dealt with accordingly.
I'll second (or third) the suggestion to read through the archives before
you criticize folks that have been here, freely passing out information,
since the beginning.  Then you can wonder why they still do it.

Jim Yeagley
Biker bars.
I miss that wit!

Read on:

----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Ciciora <ciciora at Ciciora.com>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>; <gmecm at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: Wide band O2 parts kits update

> Hello!
>   This might be my last post to these lists on this subject, so any
> questions, please contact me off-list.  If there are any newcomers asking
> questions, please send them to me off-list at diywb at ciciora.com.
>   For anyone who has not heard, I put together a group buy for the
> components that go on the diy-wb o2 printed circuit board.  I do not sell
> the PCB, nor have access to any more than just my two.  I hope to contact
> everyone on my list individually by Monday.  If you have not heard from me
> by then, please email me.
>   The cost for each kit is $11.50 plus shipping.  This includes all the
> board mounted components, plus (8) 4-40 screws, (8) #4 lock washers, and
> (4) spacers.  It also includes (5) extra 15 ohm  watt resistors.  If your
> O2 sensor doesn't heat up fast enough, these can be added one at a time to
> R4.
>   My best estimate for first class shipping in the US is as follows:
> (1 kit) = $1.30
> (2 kits) = $1.53
> (3 kits) = $1.99
> (4 kits) = $2.22
> (5 kits) = $2.68
> (6 kits) = $2.91
> (7 kits) = 3.37
> (above 8 kits) = 3.50 (Has to go priority mail)
> For orders outside the US, please give me some time to figure this out.
> I had offered to provide a video tape showing how to construct one of
> these boards.  Assembling kits was a lot harder than expected, so I can't
> work on that for probably 2 weeks.  At this point, if you would like one,
> send an extra $7.00, and I'll refund you any difference.  It will be
> shipped separately.  If you watch this tape, and still don't think you can
> solder your board yourself, I'll do it for free.  And if you try, and goof
> it up, I'll help you fix it.  I would really like people to not be afraid
> to try, and I hope this might provide a 'safety net'.
> For US members, I can take personal checks, made out to Steven Ciciora.
> They can be mailed to:
> Steven Ciciora
> 1620 S. Vilas Ct.
> Superior, CO 80027
> Or I can take http://www.paypal.com.  My PayPal ID is steve at ciciora.com,
> and my last name is ciciora. They will charge me $0.30 per transaction,
> plus 3 %.  Please include an extra 30 cents and three percent to cover
> that cost.  I'm not sure what to do (yet) for people outside the US.  I'll
> check to see what the guys selling the PCBs did.  I'm sure I can do
> something similar.
> Currently, I've got over 40 hours into this, and it will probably be 60 by
> the time I'm done.  Please forgive me if I have not been in good
> communication.  I expect by the end of tonight I'll have all 400 kits
> done, except for the resistors, and the parts that Digikey goofed up.
> I'll start shipping as soon as I get $, and will ship in order of payment
> received.
> I bought extra parts, because in some cases, buying enough parts for 500
> kits was cheaper than buying parts for 395 kits.  At $11.50, it's cheaper
> for you then if I would have bought exactly 395 kits worth of parts, but I
> end up short a few hundred dollars and with a bunch of parts left over.
> If I end up selling all the parts (If I order the expensive components I
> can make up to 500 kits) I'll end up with some $ left over, and as I
> mentioned before, I'll donate that to one of the many September 11th
> causes.  I won't make any profit off of this.  Don't worry about me being
> short some cash; I think they will sell over the next year, and I'm more
> worried about people thinking that I'm profiting in any sort of way.
> In summary: $11.50 per kit, plus shipping plus paypal charges if you
> choose that route.  Otherwise, mail a check to:
> Steven Ciciora
> 1620 S. Vilas Ct.
> Superior, CO 80027
> I'll have extra kits available for anyone who wants them!
> - Steve
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