[Diy_efi] DIY-WB info

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Sat Jul 6 02:11:26 GMT 2002

William R Brandt wrote:

> Okay, so it really is a secret, and someone evil is trying to get it. I
> can live with that. 
> Only thing is, it seems at least 3 of you guys know
> the secret password. How much of a secret is it, then? 

Ah, yes.  A good question.  "Is it bigger than a breadbox?"

> Thjs reminds me of
> a secret code ring we used to thwart the plans of evil Ming, when we
> played Flash Gordon long ago.

Childish games, funhouse mirrors of an adult world, played with a much
clearer sense of right and wrong.  But you date yourself.  Children today
learn to play good and evil as shades of grey.  Anyone who remembers Flash
knows how much easier it was when things were black and white.

> I will just go back to lurking and enjoy the games then. I hope you
> overcome the evil Ming and bring peas to whatever.

I have no illusions whatsoever about this.

> Bill

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