[Diy_efi] Re: MegaWideband digital WBO2

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Thu Jul 11 02:34:11 GMT 2002

Perry Harrington tapped away at the keyboard with:

> I figured it out.  Heh, you're in the 210 netblock with the rest of
> the asian spammers.

Not in the 210. My firewall address is 203.59.*.*

> I had blocked all the apnic ip subnets from accessing my server
> because of SPAM.

All APNIC!? Yikes. I know they're incompetent and don't seem to care
about spam... but there's no other way for non-spammers in the
Asia-Pacific can connect; short of dialups. Blocking KRNIC, I can

I'm also getting heaps of spam from North America and Europe. It
doesn't make a whole lot of sense to block them all. Blocking
providers is more of a target; they're the ones in a position to
stop their resources being (ab)used for spam.

> I just fixed it so that it only blocks email and not WWW.

That'd be better. A less "global" blocking of IPs is probably
desirable.  Using SPEWS or other similar is an option if you don't
want to maintain your own blocking list.

Now... back to the topic; you are aware that the apparent
resistance of the pump cell will change with temperature?
That will change the current that actually flows through it will
vary. The EMF presented by the pump cell will vary depending on the
difference in EGO in the exhaust stream and the measurement cavity.

See the bibliography on my DDL project page

/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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