[Diy_efi] Bernd: UEGO sensor question

Perry Harrington pedward at apsoft.com
Thu Jul 11 09:29:13 GMT 2002


Am I dense, or does the UEGO require a pullup on the Vs line?  I see in the
DIYWB they have a 2v pullup.

If so that explains your comments and why I was not getting it.  The Vs
doesn't produce voltage, it's resistance changes in response to oxygen content.
It's impedance lowers as it leans and gets higher when it richens.  With
the final impedance being < 100k.

Please set me straight.



BTW, what's the story with the DDL?  I notice you have schematics but no
values, etc.  Is it a product you made that you posted some info about in
order to educate people?

Perry Harrington			Data Acquisition & Instrumentation, Inc	
perry at dainst dot com					 http://www.dainst.com/

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