[Diy_efi] Microcontrollers For use on DIY_EFI Systems

Kent Martin kentmartin at froggy.com.au
Tue Jul 16 23:24:52 GMT 2002

Take a look at the Mitsubishi MC16C/62 Texas Instruments msp430
or take a walk down to dick smith and pick up a atmel AVR eval board
with compiler for A$100.
I'm going with the mitsi or TI part as they have lots of multi purpose
for capture and output compare. Both these have about 11 timers so you
shouldn't be lacking in io. They are also both about 8 mips, have 8-10 12
A/D and flash, that if your tricky you should be able to change will running
to use
for map tables, else use the internal ram, I think they both have about 12 K
For more info on M16C ring Mitsubishi and see if you can get an eval board.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Donohoe" <donohoem at iprimus.com.au>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: [Diy_efi] Microcontrollers For use on DIY_EFI Systems

> Hi Guys,
> I've been developing with the Motorola 68HC11 but it's dated(as you all
> by now)
> I'm looking for something newer, it need not have SRAM or anythin fancy,
> a SRAM interface would be nice or a fair amount of ram so that tables can
> loaded into somethin easy to access the modified on the fly...
> It really needs 1-2 Input Capture ports(configurable for rising or
> edges, I prefer not to use Interrupts) as well as 2-3 Output capture ports
> with 16 bit counters and a 16 bit internal free running clock. The 16 bit
> output capture ports to do spark and the 16 bit internal clock to count
> between Crank Angle pulses to determine a few other things... A A/D
> converter and a fair few IO ports would be nice but I know that a 82C55
> expand the I/O ports...
> Please supply part numbers, it's preferable to get something like a Atmel
> something easy to program and get a hold of... A high MIPS rate would be
> excellent as it will leave a fair bit of overhead, also, as a bit of
> background I program in Assembly(thats how i was taught and I dont know C
> i'll sound old and say i'm affraid of something i dont know)
> Thanks guys, hope to talk to you about a running project in a bit...
> __________________
> Matt Donohoe
> donohoem at iprimus.com.au
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