[Diy_efi] Re: Microcontrollers For use on DIY_EFI Systems

Kenny W watson at iamfun.com
Wed Jul 17 16:50:55 GMT 2002

Quoting "Tomas Sokorai Sch." <tsokorai at xperts.cl>:

> wow, ONLY 32 cycles!!!, ;) 
> take a look at these numbers for the 16x PIC
> family:

LOL. Yeah, well the HC11 is a higher league than the 
16, probably more comparable to the 18x. I thought 
they'd be worse, but that's a LOT worse! hahaha. 

> The excellent I/O capabilities make these PICs
> GREAT for "sensor servers", for 
> example to have a pic reading the sensors and
> for example linearizing the 
> values with a lookup table and then the fuel ECU
> can get a value ready for 
> use from the PIC.

Absolutely. They're great for serial communications 
too, what i think is their strongest suit. 
In reality memory is cheap, it's speed that's 
expensive, so if you can make a lookup table, in most 
cases its more foolproof and cost effective as well as 
being faster. Do all the math at your leisure and then 
plug all the numbers in pre-calculated. The glaring 
downfalls being the size and lack of flexibility.

AKA Captain Bondo

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