[Diy_efi] Re: Microcontrollers For use on DIY_EFI Systems

Kenny W watson at iamfun.com
Wed Jul 17 17:39:51 GMT 2002

Quoting The Punisher <punisher454 at hotmail.com>:

> You are using assembly? IF you DO use assembly
> you are alot more of a 
> programmer than me, 

Naw it's not that hardcore man. I love assembly. I 
rarely use higher level stuff. I just don't generally 
need complicated arrays or object oriented code or etc. 
For a real job I do mostly computer perpheral 
development so it's all heavy on the serial 
communication, but stuff like PS/2 devices use odd 
packet lengths so you have to bit bang everything and 
when i'm working on the bit level in particular I feel 
safer in assembly where I can actually see what's 
going. I hate the detatched feeling I get working with 
anything else. That's not to say i don't get lazy and 
fire the odd while loop or if statement and such in-
line (I just use MPLAB with pics) when I get tired of 
not having a comparem function or acces to the stack, 

>BUT I have had FEW problems
> doing lookup tables, linear 
> interpolation, and scaling using compilers with
> PIC's (and even better on 
> AVR's).

It wouldn't be software development without 'em. ;)

> How 'fast' are you trying to run? On pic's I was
> using 20Mhz, and with AVR 
> Mega series I have been using 16Mhz.

I mostly use the USB capable 16c7x5 series these days 
since i need USB for my stuff (stupis no flash 
memory... #%#@$$..). They use a 6mhz crytal but have a 
PLL multiplier so clock speed is generally 24mhz.

>   I output lookup table'd, average filtered and
> re-scaled values to LCD's 
> using custom character style bargraphs, and 2
> different numerical readings, 
> along with 3x4 keypad scanning and ADC input all
> at once.

I rarely re-scale digitally with pics and their crappy 
math skills. Tend to do it in hardware. Sounds sweet 
though man.

> I can find code examples of
> similar things to whatever I am 
> doing on people's websites.

Yep. generally, whatever you're thinking about doing, 
someone has done. Either that or it it cannot be 
done. ;) 

AKA Captain Bondo

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