[Diy_efi] DIY-WB electrical problems

Brian Renegar b.renegar at comcast.net
Sun Jul 21 01:32:36 GMT 2002

I built two diy-wb units.  The first one worked perfectly.  But the second 
one is not working and seems to have some issues.  I followed the 
troubleshooting directions up through # 24, and it failed several of the 
tests.  Here's my results.

<DVM ground to J12>
#10  Voltage at U4 pin 8 (should be 2.5V);  I got 4.433 V

#12  Voltage at U3 pin 5 (should be 7.9-8.0V);  I got 7.886V but sometimes 
it would decrease below that

<DVM ground to J7>
#14  Voltage at U4 pin 14 (should be 0.45V);  I got -1.485V    Voltage at 
D8 pin 2 was correct though (1.231V)

#16  Voltage at U3 pin 12 (should be -4V);  I got 0.79 mV

#20  Voltage at U2 pin 5 and 9 (should be 0.45V);  I got 0.449V at pin 5, 
but -3.968V at pin 9

#22 Voltage at U3 pin 9 (should be 0V); I got 2.763V

I also got 0.4V at ISO1 pin1 and 2, but then checked again and got 0.1mV.

Any help figuring this out would be appreciated.

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