[Diy_efi] EFI system data

Andrew Brownsword asword at telus.net
Thu Jul 25 01:44:02 GMT 2002

Alternatively you could use something like the Harris CDP68HC68W1, which is
an 8-pin SPI-based PWM generator.

on 7/24/02 2:21 PM, Tomas Sokorai Sch. at tsokorai at xperts.cl wrote:
> I guess a PIC could be used to make the PWM for P&H and as a bonus could be
> used to "select" which injector to pulse and for how much time. So the EFI uP
> only has to say "who" and "how long" and the rest is taken care by the
> "intelligent" inj. driver. That would be a nice project to make public, so
> the other DIY-ers can just "glue" their uP and software and not reinvent the
> wheel. The flexibility, price, simplicity of the circuit and availability of
> the parts would make this solution a very good one.
> Tomas
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