[Diy_efi] New toyota TCCS info

Bevan Weiss kaizen__ at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 31 09:44:27 GMT 2002

I fit's all internal ROM, then there's no way of extracting it from the
device (using normal DIY methods)
If there was ever a version that used an external ROM then you can get the
code out of that as it must flow through normal bus lines to get to the uC
in normal operation.

----- Original Message -----
From: "SIMON HART" <SIMON.HART at mira.co.uk>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:45 PM
Subject: [Diy_efi] New toyota TCCS info

> After much searching I have discovered that the Toyota TCCS from a Mk1 Mr2
> is NOT an 8051 as first thought. It is in fact a Motorola/Hitachi 680x
> possibly a 6801. It runs internal ROM- there is no replaceable EPROM
> So how do I get at the code?
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