[Diy_efi] sequential injection timing

Bruce nacelp at bright.net
Wed Jul 31 18:14:25 GMT 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Fahlgren" <eric.fahlgren at mscsoftware.com>
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] sequential injection timing
> "Eck, Joel" wrote:
> > but what would the electronics control? :)
> Actually, I'll bet you could control air bleed or jet aperature and
> do closed loop with one.  This would let the Weber do it's job of
> timing the fuel pulse and atomization, but give the electronic brain
> some control over mixture strength, the best of both worlds.

Not a problem if you have a full machine shop.  But, WHY?.
At best all you'd do is duplicate how well the Webers worked.
> How did the old GM electronic carbs work?  Weren't they oem on the
> first gen GNs?

First GNs were regular Q-Jets, dunno if they ever used a CCC.

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