Robert Harris
bob at bobthecomputerguy.com
Wed Mar 13 20:27:56 GMT 2002
Has anyone had any experience with the Dallas Semiconductor I-button and
1-wire technology?
I-buttons are sealed weather proof memory chips - up to 64kbits of data - in a
stainless steel pill that are accessed by 1-wire communications.
1-wire communicates at up to 142 kbits off a single pin on a 68hc11 for
I-button $ 20 or less, reader $-15 some wire. App notes on programming free,
windows reader software free.
Looks like a complete data extraction system for home made DIY-EFI for under
50 bucks.
1-wire to USB, Serial or CAN adaptors $ 20.
Also allows expansion devices like A/Ds and thermostats.
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