[Diy_efi] (No Subject)

roland L maynard fjdog at lycos.com
Fri Nov 15 05:04:19 GMT 2002


I am new to the list and from what it seems, the questions posted are of a more technical nature, but I have some basic quesitons about a project I am working on.

I am converting a 1987 suzuki samurai to fuel injection using parts scavenged from a 1993 suzuki swift. The process is going well so far, but I have a few questions:

1. The distributor from the swift does not fit into the engine bay of the samurai, so I am attempting to modify the samurai distributor to provide the appropriate signal to the ecm. The samurai distributor has a pickup module in it that I want to utilize. The swift pickup module does not fit in the samurai distributor. The samurai has a resistance in the pickup module that is slightly lower than the swift (170 ohms vs 200 ohms). 

My primary question is if this difference will fry the ecm? I doubt that it will, but wanted to tap the knowlege prior to trying.

Also, the wiring diagram shows a power steering pressure switch and solenoid. I am not sure what to do with this (samurai has no power steering). As I see it I have 2 options for the switch wire: 1. wire to ground 2. cut the wire and leave the circuit open. I suppose that I could also wire it to an oil pressure switch also, but then what should I do with the pressure solenoid?

Also, I am mounting the ecm in a plastic box. Should I run a ground wire from the ecm housing? Or does this matter?

Thanks for your input,


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