[Diy_efi] low-impedance injectors w/saturated driver

bill.shurvinton at nokia.com bill.shurvinton at nokia.com
Wed Sep 4 15:49:58 GMT 2002

Because they were designed for higher peak current handling capability. =
Ballast resistors were cheaper and more reliable in the early days. Plus =
you didn't need quite as fine resolution on the timing.

If you take a driver designed for 8 saturated injectors and drive 2 P&H =
injectors with resistor it will work. You make get smoke with 8.

-----Original Message-----
From: ext Steve Spiers [mailto:s.spiers at xtra.co.nz]
Sent: 04 September 2002 13:53
To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] low-impedance injectors w/saturated driver

Why do some manufactures like Mazda do this from the factory? I think =
RX7s are like this


bill.shurvinton at nokia.com wrote:

> Short answer is you can't. The saturated driver is designed for 1A per =
injector. P&H, even with resisitor will draw about 4A when peaking. =
Converting between the 2 is a few transistors.
> Bill

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