[Diy_efi] crankcase vacuum control
erazmus at iinet.net.au
Sun Apr 27 18:07:01 GMT 2003
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When the engine is on any sort of load there is so much blowby
that any energy expended in maintaining as low a vacuum as
possible when manifold presure is positive is likely to be
high. Greater gains can be made with attention to aerodynamics
of the moving assemblies, I hear F1 engines have a great deal of
attention given to shape crank to address this...
At 10:54 PM 4/26/03 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Has anyone tried controlling crankcase vacuum? Either by pump and a
>release valve using the ECM or by passive valves (PCV's)
>I hear of some good hp gains. My particular app is turbo'd and I had
>wondered do I need to reduce or increase the vacuum as boost builds?
>Dave Evans
>Lotus Omega Twin turbo, S6, 377Bhp, 415ft-lbs
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