[Diy_efi] Speed-density vs. MAF/MAP...

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 19:40:48 GMT 2003

--- Alexei Pavlov <alexis.pavlov at st.com> wrote:

> Research articles never go above 4s/phase, but don't
> explain why.

I think the reason likely is that, as you had noted,
there is an optimal time to sample the sensor, and it
changes with rpm.

This is similar to the situation with injector pulse
start at lower rpms, where to avoid as much wetting of
the intake walls as possible, it woudl be opportune to
trigger the injectors so air velocity carries it into
the cylinder.  The start of an injection event would
have to change with rpm to maintain fuel delivery
during "prime air velocity" time, and is calculated
and executed by the ECU based on rpm.

I think it was very likely found that "oversample and
filter" was too processor-intesive and not accurate
enough, and by altering the absolute timing of the
sample, a much more accurate sample could be had with
less processor overhead.

Certainly try it and see, as those are only
suppositions on my part, but...

| Adam Wade                       1990 Kwak Zephyr 550 (Daphne) |
|   http://y42.photos.yahoo.com/bc/espresso_doppio/lst?.dir=/   |
| "It was like an emergency ward after a great catastrophe; it  |
|   didn't matter what race or class the victims belonged to.   |
|  They were all given the same miracle drug, which was coffee. |
|   The catastrophe in this case, of course, was that the sun   |
|     had come up again."                    -Kurt Vonnegut     |

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