[Diy_efi] PC-laptop based efi

Perry Harrington pedward at apsoft.com
Tue Jul 8 00:51:39 GMT 2003

Marcell, you're talking Apples and Oranges.

First, the 332 *WASN'T* designed to have any peripherals on board.  Bruce
and Al redesigned it into the 4 layer board, which brought the input buffering
onboard, but left the power control outboard like the original.

The MS and the AVRMS are neither designed for outboard drivers.  This is
the distinction.  You can't go spreading FUD which says that your buddies
clone of the MS hardware, with enhancements, doesn't suffer from the same
intrinsic design choices.

If you copy the MS and drop in a different CPU, add a stepper driver, and
upgrade the peripheral transistors to TO-220, that doesn't make it more
extensible, just more robust.

You'd still have to hang a daughtercard off the AVRMS, just like the MS,
to get more than 2 injector drivers.

Now, if you want to start throwing around comparisons, how about the SPARKDOG
against the AVRMS???  There's a cat fight if I ever saw one.


On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 02:03:37AM +0200, Marcell Gal wrote:
> Hi,
> > The AVR MS is just
> > as limited as the MS is WRT sequential.  They both only have
> > dual injector drivers.
> According to this efi332 is even more limited, since it has zero 
> injector drivers onboard. 
>   	Marcell

Perry Harrington			Data Acquisition & Instrumentation, Inc	
perry at dainst dot com					 http://www.dainst.com/

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