[Diy_efi] Venturi effect crankcase breather

Perry Harrington pedward at apsoft.com
Thu Jul 10 07:51:21 GMT 2003

> > Obviously car vs bike.  Yes, they do seemingly have different laws.  =
Only when
> > you get into formula 1 car engines, do they overlap.
> >=20
> > I don't suppose you've seen Honda produce a 1200cc Civic engine with =
> Yes I have. That=B9s the sort of work I do daily. 1200cc Civic? They ha=
> been built for over 20years! (well.. JDM anyway)

Honda has NEVER made a production 1200cc Civic.  Honda sold a 600cc 100HP=
in 1990.

If you made a 1200cc V8, using the same dimensions as a 600cc CBR, you'd =
see around 170HP without much effort.  If you did everything right, it'd =
225HP easily.  Although, it'd only make 90lb/ft of torque ;)  Heh, that's=
competitive with a 1200cc Civic engine.

> >=20
> > For that matter, the engine getting 42MPG while cruising and still ma=
> > 166BHP
> > per liter?
> Little bit optimistic on the gas there I think ;)

Actually, that's the mean MPG that I got on my last tank in my CBR F3.  I=
assure you that I tached it out many times on that tank as well as cruisi=
ng it.

So, in reality, the cruise MPG was probably closer to 45MPG, if you take =
account the WOT.

FWIW, I'm building a bike engined car around a CBR F2 engine.  Heh, just =
picked up
another one with 20k miles on it for $150 off Ebay.  The car will weigh b=
800-1000lbs.  I have a gross idea of it's weight, minus bodywork and road=

My plan is to install a 10 gallon fuel cell in it, to balance the weight =
in the
car.  I would estimate that I could get at worst, 30MPG on the highway, w=
ith turbo.

This would put me at 300 miles per tank.  In actual use, I'd expect aroun=
d 500
miles per tank on the highway.  Consider that the drag coefficient of an =
MC approaches
1 without a fairing, maybe .6 with my CBR.  The car, with even the slight=
est hint
of aerodynamics, should bust .40.  With the design I have in mind, I woul=
d like to
see the low .30s, maybe even the high .20s.


Perry Harrington			Data Acquisition & Instrumentation, Inc=09
perry at dainst dot com					 http://www.dainst.com/

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