[Diy_efi] WTB - TCM and some other junk

Eric Deslauriers eric.deslauriers at oracle.com
Thu Jul 17 19:28:54 GMT 2003

I'm looking for the following and have had a problem finding them at local
yards. I'd be looking for 2 sets of the "Must Have", though only one set
comes out of my pocket (all that I'll defintely buy).

The big yards here either sell them with the motor/trans or toss them out.

Any recommendations of places to call would be super-welcome.

The preferred vehicle is out of a 90-91 Blazer or Suburban for all the
stuff, required for the speedo since it will fit right into my dash &
replace the stock speedo.

This stuff can be found in 90? or 91-93 Chevs w/ 6.5TD and 4L80Es

Must have
 trans wiring harness through ALDL connector
 Barometric press. sensor
 VSS Buffer [DRAC]
 ALDL connector for seperate interface from existing ALDL connector
 RWAL diode MOD <--what is this?
 cold advance solenoid
 speedometer (I'm told these are electric)
 complete cruise control

Nice to have
 fast idle sol
 fast idle temp sw
 water in fuel sensor
 Fuel relay
 electric fuel pump
 fuel heater

Thank you!
Eric D

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