[Diy_efi] Slightly OT: Need help designing a circuit

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 1 16:03:40 GMT 2004

--- "Van Setten, Tim @ ACSSD"
<tim.van.setten at L-3com.com> wrote:

> When you did your test for the AC voltages across
> the stator legs, was your test done with the stator
> open circuit?


> If so, then yes you would see a voltage drop across
> the leg that has a problem, such as shorted winding,
> etc..


> If the stator output is hooked across a 3-phase
> diode assembly AND hooked to a load (lights, battery
> charging, etc.), do you still see a "Drop" in that
> leg?

Yes, although the voltages were much lower (I gather
because of the load attached to the other end of the

> In normal operation, the stator output is connected
> as stated above.  Also, wouldn't the "Conduction
> Time" across the set of diodes be less on the
> damaged phase as compared to the good ones?   Just
> wondering.

Someone else will have to field that one.  I'm still
trying to find a good book on basic electrical theory.

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