[Diy_efi] injector advance

Gary gas- at charter.net
Thu Aug 5 18:15:37 GMT 2004

My inference of sequential becoming batch, is with the 
understanding, batch (or bank to bank) firing implies 
injecting fuel at a closed valve.  With increasing rpm, 
and the attending increase in fuel demand and decreasing 
'window' of time available to fire the injectors, the sequential 
firing becomes a continued injector firing after valve is closed 
(or prior to opening), to meet fuel demand. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Wade" <espresso_doppio at yahoo.com>
To: "A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI" <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] injector advance

> --- Gary <gas- at charter.net> wrote:
> > Yes!  When the firing becomes batch (no longer
> > sequential), are all valves in the same relationship
> > with the crank?  No!
> Sequential never "becomes" batch, but at a certain
> engine speed, the practical advantage of sequential
> offers no improvement over batch.  I wrote a small
> treatise about this in my book (And since it's
> available now on Amazon.com and in most Borders and
> Barnes and Noble stores, I'll include this shameless
> plug, as well as not retyping the entire thing!).
> It depends on the number of cylinders you have, as
> fewer cylinders means a higher rev "limit" before
> performance becomes the same in all circumstances.

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