[Diy_efi] injector advance

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 10 01:18:34 GMT 2004

--- Gary <gas- at charter.net> wrote:

> I consider it a case of Adam W. having his
> distorted, second hand 'facts' confused,

CAll him up and ask him yourself.  Shall I post a
phone number for him?  Would you like home, cell, or

> Wonder if he put 'facts' such as this, in his 
> book, without verifying them first.

*grins*  Gosh, think of the money you can make telling
people I talk out my ass.  And when you run out of
material with me, you can switch to politics...

> Posters that don't clean up or clip their replies,
> lack discipline as well.  

Like you?  :D

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