[Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow
David Cooley
n5xmt at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 24 18:53:07 GMT 2004
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probably because of the disclaimer on their webpage and we're all honest.=
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Charles McDowell=0D
Date: 12/24/04 13:42:20=0D
To: 'David Cooley'=0D
Subject: RE: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow
That's kinda weird, why doesn't some enterprising person start cranking t=
out and sell them for $300-$400 apiece?=0D
Anyway, if we're talking thousands, then I guess I'll have to look closer=
-----Original Message-----=0D
From: David Cooley [mailto:n5xmt at bellsouth.net] =0D
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 12:37 PM=0D
To: charles at taildragger.info; A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI=0D
Subject: RE: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow
The DIY-WB project provides a buffered output and doesn't require a displ=
built in...=0D
any thing you buy pre-built will be several GRAND... you can build the
DIY-WB yourself for about 200 including the WB-O2... Autozone has the NT=
sensor for 169 in the bosh brand (an NTK sensor in the Bosch box) it's fo=
the 95 Honda Civic 1.5 Federal emissions.=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Charles McDowell=0D
Date: 12/24/04 13:11:54=0D
To: 'A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI'=0D
Subject: RE: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow
A little off from the original question, but is there a ready source for =
plug and play" WB-O2 that gives the 0-5V output as described below? I've
seen lots of discussion about DIY-WB and such, but I'd rather pay the ext=
cash and get going more quickly with my project. I'm looking for voltage
level output, not a display or anything like that.=0D
-----Original Message-----=0D
From: diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org] On
Behalf Of David Cooley=0D
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 11:59 AM=0D
To: A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI; gmecm at diyefi.org=0D
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band
a narrow band O2 is what is in 99.9% of the cars on the road... it is a
non-linear sensor with an output of 0-1 volt... 0v being lean, 1v being r=
=2E. at stoich, it produces approx 0.450V output, but going rich makes t=
output swing rapidly up and going lean makes it swing rapidly down .=0D
a wideband O2 (At least the NGK/NTK I am familiar with) is actually a nar=
band sense element and an Oxygen Ion pump in a single package... it take=
s a
special controller to run... the controller looks at the O2 sensing elem=
output, and if it varies from stoich (0.450V) the controller drives the
Oxygen ion pump... if it's rich, it pumps Oxygen ions into the sample
chamber until Stoich is reached, then the controller knows exactly what t=
mix was due to how much Oxygen it needed to add... conversly, if it's lea=
(less than 0.450V) on the sensor, then the Oxygen Ion pump is commanded t=
remove Oxygen from the sample until 0.450V is again reached... the outpu=
of the controller is a linear 0-5V signal and is 2.50V at stoich.=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Joe Lopilato=0D
Date: 12/24/04 12:27:57=0D
To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org=0D
Subject: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band O2
Hi all:=0D
Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band O2 Sensors. I am tryin=
to understand the differences but it's just not sinking in. If there is a=
site that explains it clearly, I would appreciate the URL.=0D
Thanks and Best-of-the-holidays to all.=0D
No virus found in this outgoing message.=0D
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.=0D
Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.4 - Release Date: 12/22/2004=0D
diy_efi mailing list=0D
diy_efi at diy-efi.org=0D
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<DIV>probably because of the disclaimer on their webpage and we're all ho=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3DIncrediOriginalMessage><I>-------Original Message-------</I></D=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3Dreceivestrings>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>From:</B></I> <A href=3D"m=
ailto:charles at taildragger.info">Charles McDowell</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Date:</B></I> 12/24/04 13:=
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>To:</B></I> <A href=3D"mai=
lto:n5xmt at bellsouth.net">'David Cooley'</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Subject:</B></I> RE: [Diy_=
efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow BandO2Sensors</DIV></D=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D459284018-24122004>That's kinda weird, why doesn't som=
e enterprising person start cranking them out and sell them for $300-$400=
<DIV><SPAN class=3D459284018-24122004></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D459284018-24122004>Anyway, if we're talking thousands,=
then I guess I'll have to look closer at DIY-WB.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D459284018-24122004></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D459284018-24122004>Thanks.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader lang=3Den-us dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FO=
NT face=3DTahoma size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Davi=
d Cooley [mailto:n5xmt at bellsouth.net] <BR><B>Sent:</B> Friday, December 2=
4, 2004 12:37 PM<BR><B>To:</B> charles at taildragger.info; A list for Do-It=
-Yourself EFI<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: [Diy_efi] Could someone please expla=
in Wide Band/Narrow BandO2Sensors<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>
<TABLE id=3Dmod_EDIMAINTABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D2 width=3D"100=
%" border=3D0>
<TD id=3Dmod_EDITEXTREGION style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; CURSOR: auto; FONT-F=
AMILY: Arial" width=3D"100%">
<DIV>The DIY-WB project provides a buffered output and doesn't require a =
display built in...</DIV>
<DIV>any thing you buy pre-built will be several GRAND... you can build t=
he DIY-WB yourself for about 200 including the WB-O2... Autozone ha=
s the NTK sensor for 169 in the bosh brand (an NTK sensor in the Bosch bo=
x) it's for the 95 Honda Civic 1.5 Federal emissions.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3DIncrediOriginalMessage><I>-------Original Message-------</I></D=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3Dreceivestrings>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>From:</B></I> <A href=3D"m=
ailto:charles at taildragger.info">Charles McDowell</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Date:</B></I> 12/24/04 13:=
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>To:</B></I> <A href=3D"mai=
lto:diy_efi at diy-efi.org">'A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI'</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Subject:</B></I> RE: [Diy_=
efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow BandO2Sensors</DIV></D=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D599140918-24122004>A little off from the original ques=
tion, but is there a ready source for a "plug and play" WB-O2 that gives =
the 0-5V output as described below? I've seen lots of discussion ab=
out DIY-WB and such, but I'd rather pay the extra cash and get going more=
quickly with my project. I'm looking for voltage level output, not=
a display or anything like that.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D599140918-24122004></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D599140918-24122004>Thanks.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader lang=3Den-us dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FO=
NT face=3DTahoma size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> diy_=
efi-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org] <B>On Behalf=
Of </B>David Cooley<BR><B>Sent:</B> Friday, December 24, 2004 11:59 AM<B=
R><B>To:</B> A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI; gmecm at diyefi.org<BR><B>Subjec=
t:</B> Re: [Diy_efi] Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band O=
<TABLE id=3Dmod_EDIMAINTABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D2 width=3D"100=
%" border=3D0>
<TD id=3Dmod_EDITEXTREGION style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; CURSOR: auto; FONT-F=
AMILY: Arial" width=3D"100%">
<DIV>a narrow band O2 is what is in 99.9% of the cars on the road... it i=
s a non-linear sensor with an output of 0-1 volt... 0v being lean, 1v bei=
ng rich... at stoich, it produces approx 0.450V output, but going r=
ich makes the output swing rapidly up and going lean makes it swing =
rapidly down .</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>a wideband O2 (At least the NGK/NTK I am familiar with) is actually =
a narrow band sense element and an Oxygen Ion pump in a single package...=
it takes a special controller to run... the controller looks=
at the O2 sensing element output, and if it varies from stoich (0.450V) =
the controller drives the Oxygen ion pump... if it's rich, it pumps=
Oxygen ions into the sample chamber until Stoich is reached, then the co=
ntroller knows exactly what the mix was due to how much Oxygen it needed =
to add... conversly, if it's lean (less than 0.450V) on the sensor, then =
the Oxygen Ion pump is commanded to remove Oxygen from the sample until 0=
=2E450V is again reached... the output of the controller is a linea=
r 0-5V signal and is 2.50V at stoich.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3DIncrediOriginalMessage><I>-------Original Message-------</I></D=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV id=3Dreceivestrings>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>From:</B></I> <A href=3D"m=
ailto:josephl at aei.ca">Joe Lopilato</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Date:</B></I> 12/24/04 12:=
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>To:</B></I> <A href=3D"mai=
lto:diy_efi at diy-efi.org">diy_efi at diy-efi.org</A></DIV>
<DIV dir=3Dltr style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><I><B>Subject:</B></I> [Diy_efi]=
Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band O2 Sensors</DIV></DIV=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Hi all:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Could someone please explain Wide Band/Narrow Band O2 Sensors. I am =
<DIV>to understand the differences but it's just not sinking in. If there=
is a</DIV>
<DIV>site that explains it clearly, I would appreciate the URL.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Thanks and Best-of-the-holidays to all.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>No virus found in this outgoing message.</DIV>
<DIV>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.</DIV>
<DIV>Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.4 - Release Date: 12/22/200=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>diy_efi mailing list</DIV>
<DIV><A href=3D"mailto:diy_efi at diy-efi.org">diy_efi at diy-efi.org</A></DIV>
<DIV><A href=3D"http://lists.diy-efi.org/mailman/listinfo/diy_efi">http:/=
<DIV> </DIV></TD></TR>
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