[Diy_efi] Motronic M5.2/M7.2

Torbjörn Forsman torbjorn.forsman at gengas.nu
Sat Aug 13 06:32:08 UTC 2005

Ashley Evans wrote:
> Marc Reviel wrote:
>> Anyone know of any tools available to allow modifying tables in the 
>> Bosch Motronic M5.2 and M7.2 ECUs? (We have full rework capabilities 
>> for removal/re-soldering of chips, if needed.) Anyone interested in 
>> working with us on this either as open-source (or commercial)? Thanks.
> I have similar facilities.  the motronic editor program for the 911 is 
> available around google still.
> I'd like to find maps in the earlier motrinc 1.3 sytem as fitted to my 
> 318i bmw (e30, of course ;-)
> Ashley
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Please be aware that Motronic version numbers can be very confusing. For 
exammple, the Motronic 4.1 is very similar to the 1.3 but some years 
earlier. The version that is called 1.3 when fitted to for example BMW, 
Citroën or Peugeot is called 1.5 when used on european GM cars.

Additionally, one must differ between Motronic ML (air flow / air mass 
controlled) and MP (pressure controlled) systems.

Regarding Motronic (ML) 4.1 and 1.3 , there are many prom releases with 
small bugfixes for all such ECUs. It seems like there are two different 
map formats, one earlier and one later.
For example, the 0 261 200 100, a 4.1 ECU  which is used in Opel Omega 
'87-88 for the C20NE engine, at least four prom releases are known. Two 
with the earlier map format, two with the later.

A typical 1.3 ECU is the 0 261 200 158, used by Citroën and Peugeot on 
the XU9J4 engine around '88-90. There i have encountered three prom 
releases whereof one with the older map format and two with the later.

Btw, does anyone know if the Motronic ECUs used by GM speak ALDL on 
their diagnostic interface? At least, the diagnostic connector is the 
same as on cars with for example a P4 system.

Best regards

Torbjörn Forsman

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