[Diy_efi] wide band O2's

Mike niche
Wed Jul 6 13:22:01 UTC 2005

At 07:41 PM 7/6/05, you wrote:
>: D  : D  LOL   : D  :D

No problem, I try to please, just goes to show there
is reason for my middle name, ffs - my namesake used to
argue with the chucrh in 1600's didnt go down well b4 irc ;-)

har har


Regards from

Mike Massen
Perth, Western Australia
VL Commodore Fuse Rail that wont warp or melt !

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Mike" <niche at iinet.net.au>
>To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 4:42 AM
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] wide band O2's
>> >
>> >Whoops!  I found the data sheets and just DL'ed 'em. 
>> >Didn't know they were in German!  *slaps forehead*
>> Ah brilliant :o)
>> Any chance that recent forehead slap might have jogged
>> your rational center to accept pressure can indeed cause
>> flow into and out of that greenfire spark plug or is your
>> memory now on the blink too ?

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