[Diy_efi] WBO2 and AFR

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Thu Jul 7 03:59:53 UTC 2005

--- gary <gas- at charter.net> wrote:

> Trick question.  It is of no consequence, as you
> would tune using Lambda.

That wasn't the question, however.  The question was,
with the same pulse width, what would an O2 sensor
read comparing the two fuels.  It would read leaner
with the same pulse width using 10% ethanol blend, as
the partial pressure of the oxygen would be higher. 
No one said anything about tuning.

Do all fuels have the exact same partial pressure of
oxygen at lambda=1?  I would suspect this is not the
case, and the further you got from lambda=1, the less
sure you could be of your AFR from taking an O2 sensor reading.

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