[Diy_efi] Air/Fuel meter now working! And L-jetronic

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Thu Jun 16 22:34:35 UTC 2005

--- Astrona <amdcpu at hot.ee> wrote:

> With NA engine and L-jet we also know only the flow
> and not the real density.

NA L-Jet applications have an AAP and an AAT sensor
(sometimes the AAT sensor is inside the VAF), from
which the ECU determines the density of the air.

> But we can think so: when 0.5L air @2bar abs
> pressure moves to cylinder, the same amount of air
> needs to go through airflowmeter = 1L @ 1bar. It can
> be a bit delayed.

That is exactly my point.  Those are the same air
MASS, but the former will be seen as being only half
the flow by the VAF.  At that point, the mixture would
become so lean that I would expect the vehicle to
stall, UNLESS there is a way to "inform" the ECU of
the density of air in the plenum.

> At the same manifold pressure, temperature, throttle
> position and RPM - we know the mass if we have
> volumetric efficiency table (flow speed).

L-Jet (not LH-Jet) has neither any tables (it's an
analog ECU), nor has it a manifold pressure sensor
(and neither does LH-Jet).  Presumably there are what
amount to VE tables for the LH-Jet, as it is a digital
ECU, but I have not looked at an EPROM dump from one.

> If added air flow (speed) meter, we could forget
> these tables :D and put that system onto whatever
> engine.

Almost, but not quite, as cylinder filling is not
always the same as what passes the MAF.

> AFM is air-flow-meter
> AFR is air-fuel-ratio
> AFRM is air-fuel-ratio-meter
> What WBO2-guys mean by AFM?

Air-Fuel Meter.

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