[Diy_efi] The Hunt effect, take 2

Mike niche
Thu Oct 27 12:28:12 UTC 2005

At 05:23 PM 10/27/05, you wrote:
>BTW, what happened to the "Hunt Effect"

mmm, Yeah good point, seems some of us are hunting for truth - however,
a small but classically vocal minority, might be hunting for conviction and argument, well <cough> paradigms not necessarily in that order...



Student of phenomenology, philosophy and linguistic anthropology ;)

>Geoff H
>Adam Wade wrote on  October 27, 2005 3:15 PM
>--- John Gross <jogross3 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>There is most definitely a combustion chamber in a
>Yes, there is.  I didn't say that, though.  I said
>there's no combustion chamber *in* the head.  The
>combustion chamber is composed of part of the head,
>part of the cylinder, and the piston crown.
>>where the last "face" of the 3D volume is an
>>imaginary face coplanar with the deck of the
>Then it's not a chamber.  By definition, it is an
>imaginary distinction.  What's more, it has very
>little in and of itself to do with turbulence, squish,
>combustion, and even spark advance.  You can't figure
>out what is going on with only half the important data
>about the shape of the confines.
>>While it is in and of itself not a physically
>>closed volume,
>And therefore, is not a chamber...
>>it is ALWAYS called the "combustion chamber"
>By whom?  I've never heard anyone who actually knew
>what they were talking about who did not include the
>shape of the piston crown in their discussion of the
>combustion CHAMBER, and in fact it is meaningless to
>discuss only a partial description of the space in
>which combustion takes place.  See my above comments.
>>because that makes a whole hell of a lot more sense
>>than saying "that part of the engine's combustion
>>chamber that is the undulating pocket in the deck of
>>the head"....
>Which is why it is referred to as the "roof" of the
>combustion chamber, as you so astutely pointed out in
>your previous post in this thread.
>>Oops, sorry for not knowing what you've been working
>>on for the last 20 years...
>Ah, sarcasm, how delightful.  I can see you haven't
>read any of the archives, either.  Or clicked the link
>in my sig file, for that matter.  A shame, regardless.
>In fact, my comment was a subtle hint that if you
>could not even remember what was written in the post
>to which you were replying, with it there in front of
>your eyes, that perhaps that would lead people to
>consider the possibility that your replies were
>crafted with the same amount of attention on your
>part.  I'm sorry it had to be spelled out for you...
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