[Diy_efi] Re:Re: Fuel Fittings

Michael Kaczmar abbynrml94
Fri Feb 10 05:21:48 UTC 2006


I considered that, but most of the yards here in the Detroit area are
not roamer-friendly, and the ones that are have lots of older stuff,
but not much stuff from the last 10 years. If they do, they won't let
you cut. 

I ended up finding some fittings from Purechoice. They had them in
stock, and can get them to my house hopefully by this afternoon
(Friday). I searched a little deeper into Summit, and was eventually
able to find the Russell fittings, and after I found the PN, I was able
to find it on the Russell website. Seemed a little buried. The Russel
fittings were cheaper, but only the 5/16" fitting was in stock. 

My total solution was to stop by the hydraulic shop just down the
street from me, who also carries fuel-grade hose. They made up two 5'
3/8" lines with JIC fittings (steel AN, both are 37 degree flare) I
opted for a couple 45 degree fittings that inflated the price up to $75
with tax, if I had stayed with 3/8" (-6) straight fittings, it would
have saved me about $16.  They also carry steel adapters for -6 to 14 x
1.0mm and -6 to 16-1.5 mm saginaw fittings. 

So, I have two -6, 300 psi hoses, a pair of -6 to SAE quick connect
adapters, and from Summit, I also ordered a -6 to 16 x 1.5mm Saginaw
adapter for the feed line to interface with the fuel filter. I should
be all set.  

I figure by Monday, I should have the hose lengths for my trans lines
figured out, and I'll have them make me up some tranny cooler lines. I
already ordered a trans cooler with -6 ends, and 1/4-18 straight NPT to
-6 fittings so that install should be a breeze. 

I always try to find a cheap solution to making fuel injection lines,
but in the long run, it always seems to cost about $100 to get
something that I feel will be 100% reliable. Since this truck is going
to be my driver, I guess I should.. 

> > I could have sworn I searched over the weekend and found a 
> > russell or Earl's fitting that went from quick connect to a 
> > AN line, but I can't find it anymore.. Maybe I was dreaming. 
> > I have to imagine this is a common issue, what is the common 
> > solution. I DO NOT want to cut the stock fuel rail and flare it. 
> How about getting the matching fuel line from the junkyard and
> cutting
> it?
> --steve

Michael Kaczmar
Creator 77/94/95/96 Caprice a.k.a. Frankenstein LT1/MN6
2004 Impulse Blue GTO, LS1/M12
53 F-100 5.0/T5, Mustang II, T-bird IRS.....
see http://www.geocities.com/abbynrml94 for project pics!!

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