[Diy_efi] Interpreting ALDL data

Scott Scott scott_o_matic
Mon Jul 3 23:12:22 UTC 2006

Hello everyone. I just managed to get winALDL
connected and operating. Problem is, I'm not entirely
sure what all these numbers mean! Does anyone know
where I can examine a set of "typical" numbers? I know
there will be a big variance based on all the
variables, but if I'm waaaay off on some number it
should stand out. 
Specifically, I'm seeing a TPS number at about 98%
when the car is idling. I would have thought this
would have been a low %, figuring it means % of WOT.
But knowing some kind of baseline for all the other
numbers would also be helpful. 

The "low battery (IAC inhibited) code is also thrown.
I think my vehicle ignition switch sends only 11 volts
instead of 12. Can anyone tell me what the effects of
an "inhibited" IAC are? I have ahd some problems with
the car stalling once its idling at operating

Sorry to be such a newbie--there is an incredible
learning curve with all of this data! 

-- TWikiGuest - 03 Jul 2006

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