[Diy_efi] RE: Diy_efi Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Fri Nov 3 18:24:42 UTC 2006

--- terence difalco <olpaint at hotmail.com> wrote:

> a ford white (Escort 1.9L) which matches specs quite
> closely but I have two questions. First the jag
> specs say peak and hold and the escort is I believe 
> saturated. Is that about the ECU or the injectors?

Both.  Saturated-drive injectors are high impedance;
peak-and-hold are low impedance.  Peak-and-hold
injector drivers are quite different from saturated
drivers.  If you connect high-impedance injectors to a
peak-and-hold driver, it will operate in
saturated-drive mode.  P&H driver ciruitry generates a
lot more heat than sat. drive, and requires more
expensive components, which is why OEMs tend to avoid
it when possible.

> Second, can I exchange the tops of similar bosch
> injectors without destroying the inner workings.

I have not had cause to disassemble injectors, but I
think there is probably a reason why certain shops
charge a decent amount of making custom injectors out
of parts from various different ones; I don't think it
is trivial to disassemble and rebuild injectors. 
Someone with more experience in the matter should
weigh in on that issue, though.

P.S.  Please trim the rest of the digest from your

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