[Diy_efi] Rich detonation?

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Mon Nov 20 17:51:28 UTC 2006

--- "Becker, Damon (Damon)" <damonb at avaya.com> wrote:

> Combustion velocity increases to a max rich point. 
> That exact point is usually much richer than most
> cars run.  That's why it's usually a non-issue. 

Please trim replies?

That doesn't make sense.  Richer burns cooler, plus
there are not enough oxygen atoms to completely
combust the fuel in any given area.  Less fuel burning
+ fuel burning at lower temp = slower burn rate (on
both counts), if basic physics is correct.  Cooler
temps mean fewer actual molecular breaks and
reformations, as there's less energy available to do
the breaking; fewer oxygen atoms mean that some
fraction of the energy used in breaking apart the
hydrocarbon chains never gets "returned-and-then-some"
from oxidization.

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