[Diy_efi] ABS

Chris McKinnon chrism
Sat Nov 25 20:09:04 UTC 2006

I seem to remember seeing some who had put the whole ABS system off a Mk2
onto his Mk1 for autocross and he seemed to like the results. I can't seem
to find his site though... You could try asking on the MR2OC board maybe.


>Hi Guys (and gals),
>I was wondering if anyone has ever played with making their own 
>proportioning valve based on ABS.  I have a Mk1 MR2 and the car uses a 
>pressure regulator to control maximum braking on the rear brakes to 
>prevent them from locking.  A number of people have commented that the 
>regulator is set poorly and causes the rears to be doing very little when 
>the front are nearly locked, thats very unfortunate in an MR2 which has 
>most of its weight over the back.
>I was thinking it'd be neat to try putting in an ABS modulator valve, a 
>couple pressure sensors, and a 2 axis-accellerometer, which would keep the 
>rear pressure at some proportion of the front pressure by using the ABS 
>valve block.  The accellerometer would be able to detect tilt in the car 
>and adjust the pressure proportioning as appropriate.
>Anyone ever try anything like this?

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