[Diy_efi] ABS

Milano Guy milanoguy
Mon Nov 27 06:59:50 UTC 2006

Hi Dan

You are way  off course in your analysis. Unless your car has a worn out
proportioning valve( very unlikely) or some other mechanical brake
problem(possible), your MR2 is probably stopping very well. In a short
wheelbase vehicles like your MR2 the front tires will always be doing almost
all of the braking.

You identify weight on the rear wheels as an influence on breaking. It is a
factor, but a minor one, more important factors are CG, wheelbase, weight
transfer, tire contact area, tire grip. There are several good books on
brake systems which cover these factors in great detail.


On 11/25/06, dan at w3eax.umd.edu <dan at w3eax.umd.edu> wrote:
> Hi Guys (and gals),
> I was wondering if anyone has ever played with making their own
> proportioning valve based on ABS.  I have a Mk1 MR2 and the car uses a
> pressure regulator to control maximum braking on the rear brakes to
> prevent them from locking.  A number of people have commented that the
> regulator is set poorly and causes the rears to be doing very little when
> the front are nearly locked, thats very unfortunate in an MR2 which has
> most of its weight over the back.
> I was thinking it'd be neat to try putting in an ABS modulator valve, a
> couple pressure sensors, and a 2 axis-accellerometer, which would keep the
> rear pressure at some proportion of the front pressure by using the ABS
> valve block.  The accellerometer would be able to detect tilt in the car
> and adjust the pressure proportioning as appropriate.
> Anyone ever try anything like this?
> dan
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