[Diy_efi] Donegan ECU

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Tue Jan 9 09:51:15 UTC 2007

--- Tom Visel <five10man at commspeed.net> wrote:

> If the "Donegan ECU" isn't going to be OBD-II 
> compliant

I should note that we are only a year or two away from
mandatory OBD-III compliance for automakers AND
motorcycle manufacturers, and the OBD-III standard
uses a CAN bus as its I/O.  Anyone building an ECU
designed to work on cars from the near future might
want to consider using CAN instead of an OBD-II port,
unless it is specifically for retrofitting to older
cars, or is designed to make life easier for those
already owning current generation tuning/flashing tools.

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