Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Tue Apr 14 19:32:07 GMT 1998
how about 2nd weekend in Sept. after the kids are back at school, it would
give attendees something to tinker with during the fall/winter.....
From: nacelp[SMTP:nacelp at bright.net]
Sent: April 14, 2000 12:05 PM
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
I'm still considering, or should I say working towards a EFI get together,
basically gm, as far as what I'll have to look at. I was hoping spring
time, but I'm still not up to that, but I can see in 3 or so months being
able to do something. Trouble is that gets into the buzy vacation time of
year, kids, wifey, type stuff, so gotta try and get it convenient for all.
The last response was kinda small so if any wants to post this to other
lists where others ecm folks might be interested feel free to do so.
I'll have what I have on display, and feel free to bring your own stuff
to set out. I can get some saw horses and boards if needed. Interesting
cars running efi also welcome. I'm in a small town about 30 miles from
Dayton/ Dayton Airport.
I'll have some GMEPRO, TUNERCAT, TTS, stuff to tinker with. At least
emulator, a vellman scope, the ecm bench with diacom running. A
plus anything else I got laying around. Hopefully I'll have a flash pcm,
work with.
Good Pizza, and Food within walking distance.
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