Terry/Carol Kelley terryk at
Fri Apr 2 01:15:27 GMT 1999

The PCM's used on the 92 and up Buick engines are called P6's too. I'm not
sure what differentiates a P4 or a P6.

Terry Kelley

1986 Olds Ciera GT 3800 Supercharged

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Myers <ponty at>
To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
Date: Thursday, April 01, 1999 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: ECU

>>Hi, can some one point me to, or give me a sumarry of the various
>>types of boxes that come under the banner GM ECU's.
>>I know and have seen:
>>uses 24 pin eproms C3 ECM
>>uses 28 pin eproms with 2 black chips (limp res nets of sumpin) 2
>>P4 ECM
>>P4 derived PCM
>>uses 32 pin eprom 3 connectors
>>uses eeprom or flash or sumpin
>I'm guessing at the correct names here Wayne, but the P5's? were used on
>VR Commodores, same connectors as P4 808's etc, but did full trans control
>as well, the PCB is probably double the size of an 808 and it uses a 27512
>28pin ROM.
>The P6?, was used in the VS & VT Commodores, it has 3 connectors and uses a
>27010 32pin ROM, very different design to P5.
>And finally, as usual Holden are way behind to the rest of the GM world so
>don't know about the latest Flash PCM's ;-)
>Ross Myers

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