Dwell Control

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Mon Apr 12 01:00:08 GMT 1999

Ward wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 09:47:13 -0400, Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Good question, I can only guess that they also have a problem during start
> up.
> If you look close, you will see taht the module (early ver's) have two
> functions:
> 1) Convert an analog disrtibuter signal to a rectangular 0/5 VDC pulse.
> 2) Ignition Amplifer to charge and fire the coil, from a rectangualar pulse
> comminf from the PCM/ECM. The coil charges when the ECM/PCM sig is high and
> fires on the falling edge.
> Anouther note is that you must allow time for the firing to ringm\ prior to
> charging the coil for the next cycle, or you will shorten the firing period,
> (Bad).
> As to why so many is there are but two big cap types in the same form
> factor, and they have different zero corssing dectector phasing, which
> affect the pasing of the output DRP. The early units had a high RPM problem
> and were not long in service.

Different in what way? and why?


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