help with ECM and prom
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at
Thu Apr 15 00:32:27 GMT 1999
How close are the AUJN and AUJP calibrations?
From: Bruce Plecan[SMTP:nacelp at]
Sent: April 12, 1999 10:35 PM
To: gmecm at
Subject: Re: help with ECM and prom
----- Original Message -----
From: <ECMnut at>
To: <gmecm at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: help with ECM and prom
If ya'll wanna send me a copy I can compare it to a old version, and tell ya
the difference..
If you unplugged the 9th injector then ya could run the AUJN Bin, and the
fan locations have been posted (the AUJN runs the same locations as the
ARAP, just it's a manual trannny version), and the formulas are at
programming 101.
> I can't find a match for the chip you got from the dealer. Must be
> newer than my book (96 ish) Your original ABTR4763 is for
> a 1988 5.7, VIN "8" Chevy, which sounds right.
> HTH, Mike V
> > I have a 88 Vette with 1227165 it has been upgraded to a 16198259 the
> > that was in it is ABTR4763 and I had a GM dealer order me a new prom so
> > would have one to play with the programming, I thought it would be the
> same
> > numbers on the proms but the new prom # is ABTR4762. The new prom which
> > supposed to be the same as the old prom at least that's what the dealer
> told
> > me, runs better than the old prom. I am lost has anyone worked with
> > PROM
> > or do you know anything about the prom #'s. The new prom runs fine I'd
> just
> > like to change the temp settings. There was someone here that had
> mastertune
> > for an 87 Vette with the 4+3 trans as for as I know it is the same as
> 88
> > with the 4+3 trans. Would you send me a file to try from the 87. I run
> 160
> > stat. some the fans at on at 185 and off at 175 is good.
> > thanks
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