1227747 Diacom output?

Steve Ciciora sciciora at al.noaa.gov
Mon Apr 19 17:01:12 GMT 1999

I'm starting to 'Bench Test' the 7747 ecm, and was wondering
if anyone had a Diacom output file of a car running a 7747.
Idealy, it would be from a V8 (a ASDZ rom would be a dream,
the rom that was disassembled at 
http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Shop/9938/hacks.html), and
would be of a run from stand still to 30 (or more) MPH.  If
possible, please include the ROM ID.  I'm hoping to build some
hardware that will take a Diacom file, and feed this back to a 
'benched' ecm (RPM, MPH, TPS, Temp, etc).  This list has been a
great help and I hope to contribute in the near future.

Thanks for your time,

Steven Ciciora

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