1227165 Tuning Advice
Bruce Wilcox (EUS)
EUSBEW at am1.ericsson.se
Thu Apr 22 16:43:46 GMT 1999
Thanks for the reply Bruce.
1. The heads are Air Flow Research 190's. The overall Compression Ratio is
2. This data represents the first performance baseline.
3. The injector pulse widths are listed below.
1st Gear: 8.5 - 9.6 mS
2nd Gear: 7.8 - 10.0 mS
3rd Gear: 8.5 - 11.0 mS
4. What methods can be used to analyze the starting mode knock counts???
5. The engine is so loud I can not hear the WOT pre-ignition or spark knock.
Can the knock sensor get false triggers??? What compression ratio generates
enough noise to create false triggers???
Thanks and Best Regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp at bright.net]
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 11:08 AM
> To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Re: 1227165 Tuning Advice
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bruce Wilcox (EUS) <EUSBEW at am1.ericsson.se>
> To: <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 7:36 AM
> Subject: 1227165 Tuning Advice
> > The application is a MAF
> > 87 TPI Camaro with a moderately modified 355 CI (aluminum heads) motor.
> GM heads?.
> > There are two minor problems.
> > 1.
> > The nominal BLM is consistently below 128. Depending on the exact BLM
> cell,
> > the nominal value approaches 110. The integrator hovers around 128 +/-
> 5.
> > Since the BLM is low and the integrator is OK, my guess is the fuel
> pressure
> > is high (44 PSI @ idle, 50+ PSI @ WOT). Is this a reasonable diagnoses??
> Have you run any performance base lines?.. Fuel Pressure makes a ton of
> difference at WOT.. Find out where your at with WOT AND cruise, then
> judge
> where you need to move things. (Also, measure PW/Duty cycle).
> > 2.
> > The knock sensor triggers during extended WOT test runs (hard to hear
> any
> > audible effects). Given a WOT test run through the first three gears
> (RPM
> > range: 2000 - 5500 RPM), the knock counts go up roughly 13 - 15 counts.
> Part
> > throttle "closed loop" conditions perform great (no knock & excellent
> > performance). I would like to eliminate the root cause of the additional
> > knock counts. Since the "closed loop" part throttle performance is
> > excellent, I do not want to back off the base timing ( 10° BTDC). My
> guess
> > is the spark table needs modification. Any comments or suggestions are
> > appreciated.
> Again, you need some baseline info so you know what you've got, so you
> know
> where to go. At this stage you don't know it it's too much timing, or too
> lean.
> You need to be able to make a change, and guage the results...
> >
> > Please note: the baseline knock-counts are from the initial start
> routine.
> Your generating knock counts while cranking?.
> Bruce
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bruce E. Wilcox
> > Sr. Staff Engineer
> > Ericsson Inc.
> >
> > Bruce.Wilcox at ericsson.com
> > wilcox at rtp.ericsson.se
> >
> > 919-472-7054 (phone)
> > 919-472-1103 (fax)
> >
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