Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Sun Apr 25 01:30:30 GMT 1999
i have recently been removing 4 & 6 cyl. eproms from the same carrier, the
eprom pin are actually soldered to the carrier pins. I found by using a
dentist scratch awl I was able to gentle break the solder bond and remove
the eprom without completely mangling the pins. Patience is needed to get
it right. If you didn't care about the eprom itself then I suggest just
cutting the eprom pins and then remove each pin after heating the joint
with a soldering iron.
From: Frederic Breitwieser[SMTP:frederic at xephic.dynip.com]
Sent: April 24, 1999 11:11 AM
Subject: 1227730
After swapping the 318 in my Dodge, I went to one of the local
junkyards and found (I think) my elusive V8 TPI ECM. 89 Beretta, 4 cyl,
which contained the 16196344, which according to Ludis's site is a later
version of the 1227730. Before I start hacking this into my truck, I
wanted to clarify that this is in fact the case.
Not having opened one of this recent vintage before, I found the memcal
/ eprom was actually a module, with the EPROM, a white "glazed" board
with eight leads which I would imagine is the "limp home" portion of the
unit. I started to pull this apart, since I obviously will be replacing
the eprom with modified TPI V8 code, and found that the pins of the
header pull out as well. I didn't want to break this piece, and was
curious if anyone else pulled it apart as I plan to, or if they just cut
the pins on the old eprom and soldered on the new one. I expected a
socket for the eprom, and a socket for the limp chip to be on the system
Anyway, open to suggestions, what did you guys do?
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