Idle Tables \ VSS screw-up
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Thu Aug 12 10:18:30 GMT 1999
Jason Weir wrote:
> BTW has anyone seen a setting in the 7747 stuff as to VSS pulses per
> mile? Turbo City sent me the wrong one and it reads half speed. They
> offered what they called a "2-Pulse" and a "4-Pulse" models so I got the
> 2 pulse model, I thought that would have satisfied the 7747's 2000 ppm
> requirement or does the 7747 really need a 4000 ppm? I have patched it
> by setting all the VSS stuff to half the chip value but I know thats
> only a temporary Band-Aid.
> thanks
> Jason
You need to verify the speed signal is DC, and is of the correct
frequency. How can you say the ecm is not using a 2000 ppm signal
unless you know your vss is making a 2000 ppm signal? You might also
be able to use a DRAC as a buffer. I think it provides a buffered 1:1
output on one of the pins.
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