Car has driveability problem

Peter Fenske pfenske at
Thu Aug 12 17:13:45 GMT 1999

Hi Dan

(    I have an 86 Camaro w/ 89 Camaro 5.7LTPI (Basch MAF type).  The
)prom is set up for an A4, but I now am running a 96 T-56 six speed (manual.

Dan, You realize you can simply burn a 89 6spd corvette cal into
your calpak. This would prob save you a ton of probs.

With using a 89 tpi, I believe you lost the cold start injector
witch the 86 cal requires for good start up..You should go
to a 89 cal..

With the Vss is it connected. I would believe a T56 might
not use a 4 pole sensor. Prob a 30 tooth type setup.
If not the VSS code can be taken outa the code bit enable
table.. Lots of tuners do this for some reason or another.
You may have to use a drac and feed the ecm 4 pole input
through a cap to simulate the A.C signal.

(    The engine, especially when cold, will tend to choke, stagger,
:stall at low RPM, and I have had a hard time getting it to idle )properly
>when first starting in the morning.

Maf low code. Check for 0.5 v at idle at Maf output. There is
a error table which sets this in the code. Could be a 89 Maf
confusing a 86 cal table. I have personnaly never seen this.

     The only codes I have gotten (both intermittent) are code 33 (MAF
low) and code 24 (VSS).  I can't pinpoint anything, so I was wondering if
anyone has insight into this....perhaps suggestions on improving the setup
with a proper BIN?

Anyways try a 89 cal, Dan


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