Car dieing/torque convertor update

CSH-HQ nacelp at
Mon Aug 16 18:27:24 GMT 1999

>The tranny fluid was burnt, there was not clutch stuff in the fluid,

It's microscopic

>the probem is still either the clutch is acting weird or the stall
>speed has changed on the convertor,  I have having the convertor
>removed and sent to the place that made it to have it checked and
>fixed.  I am not sure if I burnt the fluid racing or in the traffic
>jam going home (it was about 100, and the car was moving at less than
>5 mph, and the jam lasted close to an hour).

If burnt the discs have probably been glazed overheated.  Did you add a 
tranny cooler?.
>And I was locking the convertor at 72mph in 2nd gear before the 2-3
>shift, and then unlocking it at the bottom of 3rd, if the clutch is
>going that is probably the cause and I am going to have them update
>the convertor to be the 3 or 5 cluttch version, if the clutch was not
>the problem I don't know if I am going to have the multiple clutches
>put in.

Multipul clutchs in TCC or 3-4th gear?.
>                Roger

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