
Mark Romans romans at
Tue Aug 24 04:07:53 GMT 1999

It sounds to me like the knock sensor is NOT working and/or egr problem. The
best way to check the knock sensor is to take a plunger handle, and drop it
with it's own weight only onto the block near the knock sensor.  Watch the
timing, (Scan tool) and make sure the ecm is pulling some timing out.  I
have never heard of twisting the wires.  I have ALL the tech bulletins on
the L98.  I have tuned the knock sensor a bit by using a bit of teflon tape
on the threads.
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Israels <israels at>
To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
Date: Monday, August 23, 1999 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: ping

>At 10:23 PM 8/22/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>> At 06:58 PM 8/22/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>> >I have an 87 IROC-Z 5 Liter, I think I have the 12277165 but I am not
>>> >sure.
>>> WOT is Wide Open Throttle...
>>>  From the sound of it and the multiple weirdnesses you are seeing, I'd
>>> suspect a ground gone bad for the computer or sensors...
> I heard from a part-time mechanic that the weirs to the knock sensor have
>to be twisted upon instalation t limit noise.  May even be a tsb onthe
>subject.  might help someone experining wierdness
> Todd Israels

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