z24 code

Mike Rolica mrolica at meridian-mag.com
Wed Dec 8 19:03:40 GMT 1999

	Yea noticed that,  have to check the notes at home on that.  Had
some trouble with the tcc stuff, as the car was a 4 spd.  Thnk you may be
running a differect ecu... this one is a 730, allot of the code if similar
to the f, y body anht code. Is addb bcc.

	Care to share with the rest of the class what you have on the Z24,
Mike?  I've
	been struggling with my 3.1 code for way too long:)

	Also, did you notice some strange coding for the 3d lookup tables?
It looks to
	me like the linear interpolation function is based off of a rather

	>What is m/m/y ?  send me you bin.... I'll find it :-)  gotten
pretty good
	>lately at it!  Hacked my buddy's 89 z24 2.8l v6 prom.
	>Mike Rolica
	>Meridian Magnesium Products
	>Strathroy, Ont
	>Ext. 260


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