HC11 Registers

Andrew Wakeling kojab at ar.com.au
Fri Dec 10 06:18:16 GMT 1999

Hiya All,
I remember some talk a while ago about the special registers for the
HC11. I compiled a list below just to save time looking through the
whole ref manual. I've also included the chapter/section numbers. I know
I'm missing a few still especially around the $4000 range. I know
there's stuff there, but does anybody know where it is in the manual or
on the net? 

Bootstrap Mode Pseudo-Vectors (3-17)
00C4-00C6 SCI
00C7-00C9 SPI
00CA-00CC Pulse Accumulator Input Edge
00CD-00CF Pulse Accumulator Overflow
00D0-00D2 Timer Overflow
00D3-00D5 Timer Output Compare 5
00D6-00D8 Timer Output Compare 4
00D9-00DB Timer Output Compare 3
00DC-00DE Timer Output Compare 2
00DF-00E1 Timer Output Compare 1
00E2-00E4 Timer Input Capture 3
00E5-00E7 Timer Input Capture 2
00E8-00EA Timer Input Capture 1
00EB-00ED Real-Time Interrupt
00F1-00F3 XIRQ
00F4-00F6 SWI
00F7-00F9 Illegal Opcode
00FA-00FC COP Fail
00FD-00FF Clock Monitor Fail
BF40 Reset (Bootloader Start)

1000 PORTA 7-3
1002 PIOC 7-3, 7-43
1003 PORTC 7-3
1004 PORTB 7-3
1005 PORTCL 7-3
1007 DDRC 7-3
1008 PORTD 7-3, 9-6
1009 DDRD 7-3, 8-6, 9-6
100A PORTE 7-3
100B CFORC 7-4, 10-37
100C OC1M 7-4, 10-33
100D OC1D 7-4, 10-33
100E-100F TCNT 10-5
1010-1011 T1C1 10-15
1012-1013 T1C2 10-15
1014-1015 T1C3 10-15
1016-1017 TOC1 10-29
1018-1019 TOC2 10-29
101A-101B TOC3 10-29
101C-101D TOC4 10-29
101E-101F TOC5 10-29
1020 TCTL1 7-4, 10-31
1021 TCTL2 10-17
1022 TMSK1 10-16, 10-29
1023 TFLG1 10,16, 10-29
1024 TMSK2 3-8, 10-9, 10-10, 10-12, 11-4, 11-5
1025 TFLG2 10-10, 10-12, 11-4, 11-5
1026 PACTL 7-3, 11-4
1027 PACNT 11-4
1028 SPCR 7-3, 7-4, 8-7, 9-6
1029 SPSR 8-8
102B BAUD 3-13, 9-7
102C SCCR1 9-9
102D SCCR2 9-9
102E SCSR2 9-11
102F SCDR 9-14
1030 ADCTL 12-13
1031 ADR1 ???
1032 ADR2 ???
1033 ADR3 ???
1034 ADR4 ???
1039 OPTION 3-9, 10-13, 12-12
103B PPROG 4-10
103C HPRIO 3-2, 5-13, 7-4
103D INIT 3-6, 7-4
103E TEST1 3-12
103F CONFIG 3-4

Andrew Wakeling

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