David C. Allen
davida at
Sat Dec 11 04:13:55 GMT 1999
I am trying to gather a list of Abbreviations that were used in the BUA_HAC
from ECMguy's site. I am looking for help in understanding the ones with a
???? after the Abbreviation. Also if I have entered a wrong meaning for the
Abbreviation please email me with a correction.
; Abbreviations
; Addr Address
; Antic ???
; AFR Air Fuel Ratio
; ARC ????
; ARG Argument
; ALCL Assembly Line Communications Link
; ALDL Assembly Line Data Link
; ATS Absolute Temperature Sensor (usually in manifold) Manifold Air
; BK ???? Back
; BL Block Learn
; BLM Block Learn Multiplier
; BO Burn Off (Hot Wire MAF)
; BPS Bits Per Second
; BPW Base Pulse Width
; CC Cross Counts as in o2 Sensor (0-255)
; CCP Controlled Canister Purge
; CE Check Engine
; CLC Closed Loop Correction
; CLR Clear
; COP Computer Operating Properly (part of Motorola's CPU architecture)
; Corr Correctiom
; COOL Coolant "As in coolant Temp Sensor"
; CNTR Counter
; CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor
; Cnt'r Controller
; Cum Cumulative
; CV Engine Parameters
; DLY Delay
; DRP ??? Drop
; EAC Electric Air Control
; EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
; ENR ??? Enrichment?
; Err Error
; ESC Electronic Spark Control
; EST Electronic Spark Timing
; FA ??? Fall
; FACT ???? Factory
; FBC Fuel Back-Up Circuit
; FF ????
; Fm From
; FMD Fuel Modeling Device
; HLM ????
; H/U Heads Up Display (code outside this ROM)
; G.T. Greater Than
; IAC Idle Air Control
; IM Immediate - CPU instruction's mode (#immediate_value)
; INT ???? Interrupt or integrator ????
; LP ???? Loop
; LD ???? Load
; L.T. Less Than
; LU Look Up
; LV8 is the engine load variable
; LVALT ???
; MAA ???
; MAT Manifold Air Temperature
; MSG Message
; MOD ????
; Mult Multiplier
; Num Number
; NV Non Volatile
; Opn ????
; Pct Percent
; PE Power Enrichment
; PID Proporional, Integral, Derivative (Closd loop control algorithm)
; PRP Proportional ????
; P/N Park/Neutral
; PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch
; PW Pulse Width
; Pgm ??? Program
; PWM Pulse Width Modulation
; REF Reference
; Reg Register
; Req Request
; RX Receive
; S.A. Spark Advance
; SAM Stay Alive Memory
; SCI Serial Communications Interface (part of Motorola's architecture -
8192 baud I/F)
; SEC Second or Seconds (Unit of Time)
; SPI Serial Peripheral Interface (part of Motorola's architecture - high
speed I/F to other chips)
; TBL Table
; TCC Transmission Converter Clutch
; TMR Timer
; TPS Throttle Position Sensor
; TST Test
; TX ???? Transmit
; VATS Vehicle Anti-Theft System
; VE Volumetric Efficiency
; VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
; WD Word
; XMIT Transmit see TX
; D.C. As used in "Filter Coef for CCP D.C." Maybe = Duty Cycle
; SABLND As used in "Add To SABLND ****"
; 12.5 mS LP'S RPM must be up, (8 Lp's) = 12.5 mSec Loop's RPM must be up,
(8 Loop's)
; Corr/init ???? as used in "Reset Corr/init of Auto Enrich"
; Mass Air B.U. PW TMR ???? what is "B.U." Back Up
; PRNDL SWITCH = Park/Neutral Switch (Closed in Park/Neutral)
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