W32.NewApt.Worm virus information from Delanet.com

Andrew Mattei amattei at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 20 19:54:58 GMT 1999

Dave Zug wrote:
> I believe I am the only DELANET customer on the list... I am
> presently updating my Norton AV and will notify you all if anything
> comes up or not.

Just FYI, but I *did* receive one of the files mentioned on the Mcafee
web site (baby.exe), and like a DORK, I ran it (bang bang bang goes the
head on the keyboard). I got it from a fellow list member here (but
we've exchanged plenty of email privately, and I think that's how it
made its way to me - the subject line was from a private email). I'm on
a *totally* different computer right now (my laptop, which is
uninfected), and it's my desktop that may have it on there (couldn't
find it in my registry, so I wonder...). I believe in "full feeling"
computing... (ie. computing without protection). No virus scanner on the
computer that's infected. :-/

There are only two people in my address book, so Ken and Dave, if you
got the virus, I'm sorry. ;) Just don't run anything from me.

I'm loading up NAV this evening. If I can get the CDROM working again...

(If it ain't one thing, it's another... Virus, broken CDROM, what next?)

-Andrew "Feeling infectious today..." M

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